UNIX Tutorial Website
Created: 11/2009
This website was the result of a six-person group collaborating on a website for a Web Design and Implementation class. The teacher acted like our "client." We completed a design document, a few revisions, then started protoyping our site, and this is what we came up with. I acted as team leader, and therefore was responsible for setting deadlines, making sure that they were followed, and having a backup plan in case they weren't. I also had to "fill in the holes" that other members of the group couldn't fill themselves.The site uses javaScript, PHP, CSS, and XHTML. Additionally, it used a database to allow users to post and read comments. However, that was disabled due to a lack of an accessible database. One of the aspects of the site that we were most proud of was the "Notes" option in the left-hand side. It allowed the users to type in notes as they went through the tutorials, and saved it so that when they changed pages, it stayed there.
This project can be found here.